Efforts to reduce human pain and functional deficiencies due to illness and injury, represents the beginning of rehabilitation. Extending life expectancy increases the number of people who are incapable of autonomous and independent life. Therefore, the rehabilitation means the maximum functional training of patients and injured persons.
The rehabilitation team consists of a physician, physio and occupational therapists, and can include other specialists and social worker. The doctor of physical medicine prescribes the program of medical rehabilitation whereas the physio and occupational therapists are in charge of the implementation of therapy.
The aim is to enable the elderly to be independent in everyday life. This task is pursued in the rehabilitation of the elderly and continuity in individual work, which in turn improves their mental and physical state.
Elderly people who decide for accommodation in the Nursing home are mostly in a neglected physical condition, associated with chronic diseases, a long time in bed and little movement.
They have problems in the cardiovascular system, severe osteoporosis, diabetes, hypotrophy of muscles, degenerative changes in joints, fractures, and hypertension. There are also changes in terms of mental depression, moodiness, lack of motivation for rehabilitation, lack of insight into general physical condition and capabilities.
Medical rehabilitation involves complex methods of treatment. It is based on the application of physical agents, kinesis and occupational therapies. The intensity and type of therapy given to elderly people varies from case to case and depends on the disease, age and physical condition.
The kinesis-therapy uses all types of exercises: passive, active, and breathing exercises.
Exercises are not forcing, enough time is given to understand and perform certain exercises. It should also be noted that the muscle articulated elements in the elderly are less elastic and prone to injuries, whereas the bones exposed to osteoporosis can fracture easily.
Exercises raise the general physical condition in accordance with the capabilities of each individual patient. Improving local and general circulation prevents complications related to inactivity, slows the progression of chronic degenerative and rheumatic disease by preserving joint mobility. A Swedish scale is used in strengthening the shoulder area of the spinal column in the process of gradual verticalization. Loom is used in the gradual training of walk, balance adjustments and to improve the coordination of movement.
Static bicycle serves to strengthen the lower extremities as well as to preserve a range of motion.
In addition, the different types of walkers and aids are used in kinesis therapy. Physical therapy consists of electrotherapy (DD, GA, TENS, IFS), heliotherapy (bioptron lamp), sono therapy (US) and laser therapy. The very use of physical agents, on the elderly, must be strictly controlled in terms of dosing. The aim of electrotherapy is reduction of pain and edema, stimulation of the nerve and muscle tissue, and circulation improvement. The most frequent users have neurological, rheumatologic and orthopedic disorders.
The recovery process is very long and slow, both patient and therapist must be persistent and patient. The sooner the treatment starts the greater the chances are for recovery. Physical therapy of elderly persons must be applied in accordance with their capabilities, and the training has to be reduced and properly dosed. We can truly be proud of extraordinary results achieved in the rehabilitation of elderly persons in the nursing home LUG. Patients with hip endoprosthesis are trained to walk. Patients with strokes are trained to walk and have a normal life, while patientsv with an amputated leg walk today with prosthesis.